Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Imperious Interruptus"

Dilbert Knows.

Have you ever been in a situation like this before? Here you are talking to a cute girl, having a great conversation, and another guy comes up and starts talking to her. This probably doesn't seem like a huge problem, does it? Well let's say they start talking about a date they went on one time, or when they hung out with some friends, or back in elementary school, or anything you weren't really apart of and you have no idea what they are talking about.

Solution A would be to stand there awkwardly and either wait for a time to cut in or.... continue standing there awkwardly.

Solution B would be to walk away. But wait... you can't just leave, that'd be rude. But you can't interrupt their conversation. So it's back up to Solution A. No more quick and easy route, you must stand there awkwardly for what seems like an eternity. Your only hope is that another person will come and invoke the right of IMPERIOUS INTERRUPTUS. Why? Because then you are no longer a 3rd wheel. At least you can talk to someone else or have more of an excuse to escape.

Solution C would seem the best route to take. Politely say "Well it was good talking to you". And then walk away. As simple as that. Problem is... when the situation occurs, how come it never seems "as simple as that?!" Oh right, because you are letting another cute girl slip through your fingers to another guy!!

Option D: Be a man, get a spine, and punch the guy in the face and then ride off into the sunset with your lady on a white stallion! j.k. DON'T do that.

What would you do in this situation?

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