Friday, February 17, 2012

Bros Don't Kill Bros!

The best way to Bromote the Brotocol of Bromance is by watching this video.

Now, there is nothing wrong with a healthy Bromance, but there are certainly some things you want to be careful of. Take these two examples for instance:

Harry Potter and Voldemort  These guys were practically blood brothers. In this scene below, Harry gives Voldy a great big hug as the lose balance and fall of the castle and down a thousand foot cliff. Both of these guys killed each other at least once and in the end things don't turn out so well for "You Know Who".

 Obi-Wan and Anakin  Their story is not much different. They start off as best friend, clinging to one another for dear life. After a while though they have a little dance on a volcano (sparks flying and everything) and Obi-Wan leaves his padawan to die. Not to worry though, Anakin later gets even as Darth Vader and takes out ol' Ben Kenobi (and I don't mean on a date...).

It's not always a Bromace you want to watch out for!  A true Bromace is synonymous for "Good friends". In most cases, guys don't try to kill you when you make them mad. It's the women you want to be careful of! Jack Sparrow can attest to that on many occasions! It cost him his life once! 

"Take what you can! Give nothing back!"

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